Former MEGADETH Bassist On DAVE MUSTAINE: 'Things Are Peaceful Between Us'

Kris Melton of Rock Fist Reviews recently conducted an interview with bassist David Ellefson (MEGADETH, F5, HAIL!). A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.

Rock Fist Reviews: Dave Mustaine was the original guitarist for METALLICA. While MEGADETH gained fame, they never received quite the same amount of attention. Did that reality affect Dave and thus the rest of the band as well?

Ellefson: You'd have to ask him on his side of it, but for me my attitude was I was always thankful for METALLICA, because without them I probably wouldn't be here. Not only am I a fan of what METALLICA does and has done, but just as a contemporary of theirs in the scene I have great respect and admiration for how they ran their business. They were just a big, well-oiled machine. And, as a result, they got huger and huger. They really captured the minds of millions of people. And I think the first ones to the party are always the winner. I think to some degree the ones that come after that probably will never gain that much success, but that's not to say...


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